Wednesday 14 March 2012

JOUR1111 Blog 1, Lecture 3, Monday 12th March

The start of lecture 3 of JOUR1111 signifies my entry into the world of blogging. It began with me sitting up the front because the row at the back populated by my friends filled up entirely and in a roundabout piece of logic I decided that sitting as far away from them as possible would be the best way to spite them. The game of chess I began with my computer was promptly terminated when Bruce sat in the seat two across from me. Seeming disinterested in the first 5 minutes probably isn’t the best way to impress the lecturer.

During my short lived game of chess, Skye, formerly a Fleet Street journalist, was introduced and began discuss the concept of text. Unfortunately it was 20 minutes into the talk before I realised that I needed to blog about the lecture and thought to start taking notes. I did manage to recall some of the information we had been given. Essentially articles need to be reduced and reformatted frequently when being transferred between mediums. For this reason it is necessary to structure your articles with the relevant information at the start with additional information following so that in the event of culling the story is still complete. As well as this she also discussed the importance of accessibility particularly for web based mediums. Using keywords, links and metadata as well as search friendly article titles and informative URLs serve to hugely improve the ease with which articles can be found.

What Skye taught us can essentially be broken down into not underestimating the importance of the elements other than the content of an article. To be successful it is imperative that your work is accessible, not to mention making yourself accessible when it comes to finding work.  

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